Southern States Conservative Voters Expect Their Elected Officials
Support Traditional American Conservative Values Including Our Honorable Confederate Heritage
The Results of Sixteen Southern States
Opinion Poll
The following is the National Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) news release regarding an Opinion Poll commissioned by the SCV and a summary of the poll conducted by Kaplan Strategies, in April 2023.
Southern Voters Challenge GOP
The data is in! A supermajority of conservative Southerners wants elected officials to protect their Southern heritage. A recent poll of Southern conservative and moderate voters reveals that the conservative South remains firm in its love and dedication to its Southern heroes. Recently, the United States woke military embarked upon an assault on all Southern heroes connected with Confederate history. Responding to this attack, the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) commissioned Kaplan Strategies to conduct two polls to determine how Americans nationwide felt about Confederate history and another to determine how Southern moderate and conservative voters felt about Confederate heroes.
The first of the two surveys was a national poll establishing that 60% of Americans had a favorable opinion of Southern heroes. This same group supported keeping Confederate monuments and memorials in place. In another poll of Southern conservative and moderate voters, Kaplan Strategies sampled voters’ opinions in sixteen Southern States. The results demonstrated that 85% of Republican voters in the South believe that elected conservative officials should do more to protect traditional American values and heroes, including Confederate heroes. Opposition to renaming military bases originally named for Southern military heroes such as Lee, Jackson, and Hood was voiced by 80% to 90% of voters polled. By an overwhelming 80% to 92%, Southern Republican voters opposed the “removal of monuments erected to honor regional and national American historical figures” of the South.
The SCV is actively informing elected officials and Southern voters about these pro-South polls. These two polls are parallel to polls done by The Hill (2020) in Washington, DC, Reuters in New York (2017), and an NPR/PBS/Marist poll (2017). Elected officials and candidates should take notice that a supermajority of Southerners holds a positive view of Southern heroes and will act and vote accordingly.
Released on behalf of the National Sons of Confederate Veterans by:
Jason Boshers, Commander in Chief National SCV
Walter Donald Kennedy, Lt. Commander in Chief National SCV
James Ronald Kennedy, Chief of Heritage Operations, National SCV
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